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Wauchope Chamber Golf Day

Grab your work mates, colleagues or staff and be part of the first Wauchope Chamber Golf Day! This is a great chance to bond with your work team and build stronger relationships while enjoying a fun, light hearted game of golf!

We will be playing 4 man ambrose over 9 holes with a shotgun start.

When: Sunday 8 October 2023, 11.30am.

Where: Wauchope Country Club

Cost & what’s included: 

  • Team entry fee: $200 per team. Team entry fee includes game fees and sausage sizzle at 11.30am before tee off at 12.00pm.
  • Optional cart: $25 per cart (limited numbers available, first in best dressed)
  • $5 optional entry into the longest drive competition on the 5th hole and $5 optional entry to nearest to the pin on the 4th hole – Bring your loose change!
  • Drinks cart
  • Presentation in the downstairs auditorium after the game.
  • Sponsorship opportunities available! Contact for more info.

Golf clubs can be hired from the club house if required (we recommend arriving early if you need to hire equipment). `

There are only 18 team spots available, so get in quick so you don’t miss out!

About the Chamber

The Wauchope Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc (WCCI) is a long-standing business-focused association with a mission to promote and advocate on behalf of its members and the wider business community. We have a friendly and community minded culture and believe in retaining the charm of our regions hinterland balanced with economic growth to foster a thriving local community. As a membership organisation we work to grow our membership to strengthen the work we can do on behalf of local business. Not a Member yet? Why not join today!

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