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Business Incubator Program Commences – sign up now!

Business Incubator Program

We all have an idea of where we want our business or business idea to go, and now is the time to have those burning questions answered and move your business forward!
The Business Incubator Program is open to new and existing businesses from across the Hastings region across Manufacturing, Agribusiness, Creative Industries and Tourism.
Whether you have a business idea, are a start up or simply looking to expand your business knowledge and networks, the incubator program can help you along your business journey.
The first Incubator Series will commence in February 2022 and will run for a short, sharp 6 weeks!
Each week participants will explore one of five key business topics including:
1. Finance,
2. Marketing,
3. People & culture,
4. Risk & resilience,
5. Innovation
The program includes workshops, peer sessions and six mentoring sessions.
Participants will attend workshops both online and in person and take up tasks & activities as part of the program. On average it is expected the commitment is approx 2-3 hours per week. The program will be based at the Wauchope Business Hub and Art Gallery at 62 Cameron St Wauchope NSW 2446.
Part of the Hastings Business Stimulus Project. This is Local Economic Recovery project is jointly funded by the Commonwealth and the New South Wales Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Participants will be expected to attend workshops both online and in person and complete any tasks or activities as part of the program to the best of their ability. On average it is expected the commitment is approx 2 hours per week. The program will be based at the Wauchope Business Hub and Art Gallery at 62 Cameron St Wauchope NSW 2446.

About the Chamber

The Wauchope Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc (WCCI) is a long-standing business-focused association with a mission to promote and advocate on behalf of its members and the wider business community. We have a friendly and community minded culture and believe in retaining the charm of our regions hinterland balanced with economic growth to foster a thriving local community. As a membership organisation we work to grow our membership to strengthen the work we can do on behalf of local business. Not a Member yet? Why not join today!

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