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The state’s peak business organisation, Business NSW, says Payroll Tax relief as part of the upcoming State Budget will be a huge boost for job creation across the state.

The NSW Government has announced the Budget will feature a Jobs Plus Program, which will include Payroll Tax relief up to a four-year period for every new job created where a business has created at least 30 new net jobs.

“As part of our pre-Budget submission we advocated for payroll tax relief on newly created jobs,” said Business NSW Regional Manager Kellon Beard. 

“We are pleased the Government has listened and will deliver a much-needed boost to jobs to drive a business-led recovery,” Mr. Beard said. 

“As we move into the next phase of recovery, we need to identify ways to supercharge parts of the economy able to absorb spare economic capacity. 

“Payroll tax is a barrier to job creation and the Jobs Plus Program will remove one of the biggest barriers for employers looking to expand or relocate to NSW. 

“Importantly, this policy will also address the frictions that normally come when establishing or growing operations in NSW. 

“Part of this package includes assistance with the NSW planning system which will include fast track approvals. 

“We know the planning system has previously represented a barrier to business expansion which is why fast-tracked planning approval pathways is so crucial,” Mr. Beard said. 

About Business NSW

Formerly the NSW Business Chamber, Business NSW is the peak policy and advocacy body which has been representing businesses in NSW since 1826.